Learning Journey
Learning journey
At i-coach academy, we believe that coaching is entirely unique to the individual. So rather than encouraging you to memorise rigid models and behaviours, we support you to construct your own views. Find out more about the i-coach learning philosophy. This way of learning is supported through the use of an individual coaching framework.
On successful completion of the programme you will be able to:
- Confidently use appropriate professional business coaching skills and techniques
- Engage in effective formal and informal coaching conversations
- Have established the foundations for building a career as a Coach
- Understand the importance of a path of professional development to evolve your practice further
Traditionally this has been delivered as a face-to-face learning programme in seven days over approximately seven months and combines classroom based activities, online skills practice, practical application, self-study and reflection.
Module One – Coaching Foundations
The purpose of this two day module is to introduce you to the core coaching concepts and skills. By the end of the module you will have a deeper understanding of the boundaries between coaching and other types of helping roles (for example mentoring, consulting and therapy) and appreciate how to apply a coaching style in your day-to-day interactions. You will explore the role of adult learning principles in coaching and be introduced to the GROW model along with the foundation coaching skills of building trust, listening, questioning and feedback. You will also have an enhanced awareness of your preferences, style and approach to conducting coaching conversations.
Modules Two, Three and Four
These one or two day modules offer an opportunity to bring your field work to the group for reflection and support, to receive input on additional approaches (e.g. Person Centred Coaching, Solution Focused Coaching and Working with Values) and to engage in further skills practice and receive feedback.
Module Five – Skills Benchmarking
The purpose of this final day is to draw all your learning together through a formal opportunity for benchmarking and feedback. You will be asked to deliver an observed coaching session as well as participate in peer review and feedback. There will be an opportunity for an individual coaching conversation with faculty to reflect on your learning journey and to consider your next steps
Four online multi session skills practice between Modules for two hours each session
Since 2021 the programme is also offered as an online/virtual blended learning programme, which delivers the same content but with a different learning flow.

Download the programme flow here
To complete our professional coaching programme, you will need to complete the following requirements:
- Active participation in face to face/webinars, calls, learning groups and online programmes over around 38 weeks
- Deliver a minimum of 36 hours of coaching with individuals in formal coaching programmes
- Practice your coaching style and skills in informal conversations including team meetings for at least one hour per week during the programme
- Receive a minimum of five hours of coach mentoring
- Work independently for approximately one hour per week on activities such as journaling and reading
- Transcribe and reflect on one coaching session
- Successfully complete the Skills Benchmarking activities in final module
- Successfully complete a reflective assignment which includes a 2,000 word essay, development plan, individual profile, coaching logs, feedback from your transcript and ethics statement