Learning Journey
What’s involved?
The programme begins with either a one day workshop or a three day retreat followed up by individual one-to-one and small group coaching from a personal development coach. Our aim is to accelerate the learning process, helping you create changes that could take months or even years of conventional coaching.
Our coaches deliver individual personal development and group coaching sessions in London and beyond designed to equip you with the tools necessary to lead a more fulfilling future.
We’ll help you notice what is important to you at this stage of your life, where you get your energy from and to discover your sense of purpose. We’ll also support you to learn from and – where relevant – let go of unhelpful patterns from your past and sow the seeds for a more fulfilling future.

The programme encompasses four phases

1 Reflect
Identify what is important, get in touch with your values, enhance self understanding

2 Release
Drop patterns and beliefs that are limiting or no longer relevant, build confidence, reduce anxiety and/or fear.

3 Visualise
Clarify which aspects of life needs to change – from work to relationships, health to hobbies.

4 Plan
Build strategies to get you closer to the life you dream about and make sure you’re ready for the next transition.
Learning for life
As the ancient saying goes, ‘the only constant in life is change’. From work to relationships, we are continually facing new challenges, obstacles and opportunities. Which is why, throughout your iOpening experience, we focus not just on your immediate transition goal but the core life skills you need to deal with whatever life throws at you.
You’ll build your capacity for CURIOSITY You’ll learn to prioritise your wellbeing and build SELF COMPASSION. And you’ll be encouraged to EXPERIMENT and PLAY.
This isn’t just to get you ready for the next change on the horizon. It’s your chance to lay the foundation for continual regrowth and regeneration, for years and years to come.