About Us
About Us
i-coach is a consultancy that is a catalyst for change.
We work with organisations, teams, executives and C-suite leaders to improve effectiveness. And we work with individuals, helping them shape the life they want and thrive as they face new challenges.
Founded as i-coach academy in 2001, we have a long track-record of successfully transforming businesses, careers and – for thousands of individuals – helping to rekindle a sense of purpose and meaning.
At the heart of our work with individuals is our iOpener reinvention and transition programme. It directly addresses today’s challenges: the pace of change; the need to manage multiple careers and roles; the desire for fulfilment and meaning. Originally run with a 3-day retreat, iOpener is now available as an online blending learning option, supported by a suite of reinvention resources.
We support organisations as they navigate change and adapt to tomorrow’s challenges. We offer consultancy services, coach senior leaders directly to help them fulfil their potential and enable their organisations to thrive. We also collaborate with senior teams and groups to address broader, company-wide issues – from elevating performance to shifting mind-sets and work culture.
i-coach is renowned for its work training tomorrow’s coaches. Originally founded as the i-coach academy, we created one of the UK’s most respected coach development programmes and enabled hundreds of aspiring coaches globally to achieve recognition and qualifications in coaching. Today, we continue to shape and run internal coach development and coaching skills programmes, helping our clients nurture a ‘coaching culture’ within their business. And we actively educate the next generation of coaches though our accredited programmes.
Crucially, we understand that everyone is different. So our diverse team reflects this, working with people in a variety of ways depending on their needs. While our approaches may differ, we share a belief that coaching is an empowering, collaborative learning process which builds confidence and skills. We don’t provide ‘answers’; instead, we build our clients’ capacity to self-coach and – over time – coach others.